I heard a pathetic story from one of my buyer who is constructing a house at Sivagangai District. 

There is a place called Pudur Village in Ilayangudi Taluk of Sivagangai District. People there, are still facing lot of difficulties with regard to water facility. We all know how water is essential for our life. People who live there are not supposed dig borewell. It is a place where Muslims are living and they create the facilities on their own. There is a mosque and the admins of the mosque generate common funds and dig borewells and store the water in a common tank.

From the common tank, water is being supplied to almost 500 houses in the village. Water is equally distributed to all families.

Our buyer had lot of concerns to store the water on time and he was very particular not to waste the precious water.

First of all, if they had to construct a house, they have to first construct a storage tank. The measurements of the tank must be constructed according to the rules and regulations of the village as everybody should get equal amount of water.

They get water at a particular time only. Based on the level of water in the storage tank, they had to get water and store it. They are using a motor to push the water from the storage tank to overhead tank.

His requirement was to monitor the levels of both tanks in a single device.

Listening to his condition, I suggested him Water level Indicator with high and low level alarm- wired type.

For the storage tank, he required the low level buzzer alert. So Common, Level 1, 2 and 3 sensors were asked to immerse in the storage tank. 

We gave him an additional sensor. The additional sensor was used as Common in overhead tank along with Level 4 sensor to alert him when tank is full.

We also gave him 6 core cables to lay in between the Indicator and Storage tank, also between Indicator and Overhead tank.

Like this, with minimum budget, we suggested him a solution and he was completely happy with our product.

Our specialty is to listen the requirements, pains and sufferings of the fellow men and give them a prompt solution. Buyer was also co-operative while in discussion. Togetherness resolved his problem.
